Monday, 19 August 2013

PWH at the Priddis and Millarville Fair

On Saturday we attended our 5th Priddis and Millarville Fair. Friday was a busy day of washing, trimming and delivering fair entries and we worked until we ran out of daylight on the 15 sheep entered in the fair.

Saturday was an early morning, waking up just after 4:00 to pack and load the show string up so that we could make it to the fair grounds with time to spare. The sheep show started at 9:00 and it was good to see that there were lots of entries in all sections of the show like last year. We had stock entered in the purebred, grade, market lamb, junior and coloured sections of the show. Once again we also enjoyed warm, sunny weather for the outdoor event and there were a lot of people that came out to see the fair. 
The final placing for the Purebred Ewe 2 yrs. or older class. 
The Coloured Sheep class being judged.

The fair is always a highlight of our summer and we can't wait to go back next year. It was great to visit with all the sheep producers we have got to know over the years and see some new faces as well. A big thank-you to all the organizing volunteers, judges and sponsors that work so hard to make this day a success! 

Our complete show results can be found by clicking the Show News tab.