Monday 16 January 2012

Lambing started without me

Today we finally got our first lambs which is always exciting except for the fact I won't be able to see them until the weekend. Last year we started lambing during warm weather but this year the exact opposite seems true. The barn got ready just in time for the set of twins and the two sets of triplets that were born today; it was cleaned out with a bobcat, filled with straw and pens were set up. Since it is so cold each pen with lambs in it will also get a heat lamp that they can sleep under for some extra heat. I can't wait to go home this weekend and see the new babies!

Here are two of the ewes that lambed today, these pictures were taken on Christmas, the ewe on the left had triplets and the ewe on the right had twins just to give you an idea of what ewes look like weeks before they lamb. Of course the size of their bellies is determined by the number and size of lambs they have and their own personal condition, so it is very difficult to pin point an exact size of belly that a ewe will get to before she lambs. 

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