Monday 20 June 2011

Sheep Show Classes: Ewe Lamb

What kind of animal can show in a ewe lamb class?
A ewe lamb is a sheep that is a female under a year old can show in this kind of class. The lambs normally have to have a fleece that is under an two inches long. Ewe lambs have not had any lambs yet and are judged based on their current conformation and potential.
What is the judge looking for?
A sheep with weak pasterns.
Notice how the pastern is sagging.
The judge is looking for the ewe lamb displaying good physical characteristics to pass on to her offspring, conformation that will allow her to carry many lambs and longevity traits. Length, width and depth are characteristics of a good market lamb, these things will also give the ewe lamb more body capacity to hold multiple lambs. Feet, legs and teeth are body parts that need to be structurally sound when a ewe is a lamb so that she will last a long time in your herd. Legs need to be placed squarely and straight under the body of the lamb, this will allow her to move freely around the pasture and to the feeder. An important part of the leg is the pastern, sheep need to be strong on their pasterns to prevent strain on their legs. A sheep`s teeth are very important because they need to be able to eat! Sheep do not have any teeth on their upper gum. It is important that this upper pad aligns with the teeth on their lower gum to have maximum efficiency when eating.
The judge checking my lamb`s teeth.
Is the fact that your ewe lamb a twin significant when in the show ring? 
Depending on the judge, this information may or may not be relevant. If your ewe lamb is a twin there is a better chance of her producing twins and some judges may place value on this genetic trait.
What about the breed of your lamb?
For purebred stock ewe lambs should adhere to the standards of their breed. If they don`t embody the breed they will be criticized.
Take the Hampshire breed for example:

  • Face should be black or dark brown colored. Ears should be of the same color and rounded at the tip. From their neck to forehead and cheeks wool should be present, wool feathering can exist on the rest of the face. 
  • Legs should have some wool covering from the knee down.
  • White hairs should not be present on the face, ears or legs. Fleece should also be free from any black or dark fibers. 
  • Meat breed that stands tall and has a full body.

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